ABBA Black Belts

Anjar Black Belt Amity

Anjar Black Belt Amity was established in October 1999. 
In the year 2000, a number of enthusiastic individuals, having as leader Jack Daghlian, joined together and established the executive committee of the organization. Who started acting on a governmental decree (147 / Sh-R)issued by the Lebanese Ministry of Youth and Sports. Moreover in March 2002, the organization became a member of the Lebanese Kung Fu Wu Shu Federation and started participating in the Lebanese Wu Shu Championships

The organization's primary objectives are:

  • To teach the art of Kung Fu and Self-Defense.
  • To create a safe environment where youth come together to socialize and develop physical, mental, and coping skills which may help them in their life.The students follow a rank or hierarchy of sorts symbolized in the color of their belts; (White, yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown, and Black) J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6. The organization has revealed its skills due to a series of performances to the public.Anjar Black Belt Amity started participating in the Lebanese Wu Shu Championships since 2002.The organization has a rented hall as a Headquarters. The organization is non-profit oriented and charges only a symbolic fee from its students.The board of directors is elected every 4 years, which responsible for the organization and is accountable to present an annual report to the General Assembly.

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