ARF Associations

The ARF Associations of Anjar

The ARF LEM "Shavarsh Missakian" Chapter

In 1973, the "Shavarsh Missakian" chapter of the ARF Lebanese Youth Association was founded in Anjar. The youth association was divided into two age groups; the juniors, ages between 12 and 16, known as the "Harach" youth association, and the seniors, ages between 16 and 21, the youth chapter itself.

During the first years of its establishment, the "Shavarsh Missakian" chapter of Anjar and all the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) chapters around the world, had many fields of responsibilities. The main aim of its establishment was to educate the future generations about the Armenian Cause and history, and prepare them for the years ahead. They have organized anti-Turkey campaigns and encouraged the boycotting of Turkish economy and culture. They have also organized annual commemoration events on special national occasions, such as the Armenian Genocide on the 24th of April and the Independence Day of Armenia on May 28th.

The Lebanese Youth Association, through all its chapters, played a vital role in rendering humanitarian and security services to the Armenian people during the fifteen dangerous and hard years of the Lebanese Civil War.

Throughout the years, the chapter has had its mark on the shaping of the national identity of the Anjarian youth.

The "Harach" Youth Association

Immediately after the establishment of the "Harach" Elementary School, the "Harach" chapter of the ARF Lebanese Youth Association was founded in Anjar. The main aim was to give national and patriotic education to the Anjarian youth.

The association organized celebration events, marches, campings, and educational programs which helped create the necessary enthusiasm among the youth, specially about issues concerning our homeland and nation.

Today, the chapter is divided into two age groups, the juniors "gerdtser" and the seniors "yerets". Each has its weekly meetings during which they listen to stories about the Armenian and ARF legacies, learn national and revolutionary songs, and attend lectures about different topics concerning the youth, they also organize campings, field trips, and sports events.

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