Armenian Red Cross

The LOKH "Akhtamar" Chapter of the Armenian Relief Cross of Lebanon

The "Akhtamar" chapter of Anjar was founded in 1942, by the unequal efforts of 7 Anjarian women and the purposeful contribution of  Movses Der Kalousdian (a Syrian parliament member at the time), Yetvart Boyadjian, and Tovmas Habeshian.

The aim of the chapter was to help the needy and the sick.

The first major achievement of the chapter was the establishment of a delivery home in 1945, which was of urgent priority at that time. Since then, the association has accomplished many achievements and projects in Anjar specially in the socio-medical field.

In 1998, Mr. and Mrs. Souren and Alice Filhannessian, (currently living in the States) donated their ancestral home in Anjar to the association. The house was reconstructed and turned into a medical center where the association conducts its different activities.

In 1999, the official opening ceremony of the center took place, and was named after the donors.

 Currently, the medical center has 8 volunteer doctors who offer medical assistance to the villagers. The center also offers laboratory services with the collaboration of hospitals and laboratories in the Bekaa region. The current executive committee plans to expand the services of the center by adding dental services, an X-Ray section and echography service.

The different committees of the association also organize lectures about medical and psychological topics, special courses for women as well as annual events and celebrations. In the last few years, the association has also conducted campaigns against diseases, like diabetes, breast cancer…etc.

The organization also marks international days such as, International Women's Day, Children's Day etc... 

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2017-01-13 18:01:33
2017-01-08 19:15:42
2017-01-06 20:45:50



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