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While the World War II was towards its end many Armenians in Diaspora left for Armenia and settled there to make their greatest wish come true.

In 1946-47, 650 families from Anjar and 50 Mousadaghian families from different parts of Syria and Lebanon immigrated to Armenia to reside in Nakhichevan, Vanatsor, Echmiadzin, suburbs of Yerevan, Malatia, Sepasdia, Nor Aresh, Arapgir, Nor Zeitoun, etc…

Mousadaghians, soon emerged in the agricultural, commercial, educational, and cultural domains to bring their part in prospering and vitalizing Armenia.

Mousadaghians in Armenia have kept their dialect and customs alive. They commemorate the heroic battle of Mousa Dagh annually.

In 1972 the "Kineved” region in Echmiyadzin was renamed as Mousa Ler. In 1976 a monument was built, with a museum by its side which symbolizes the freedom seeking souls and courage of the Mousadaghian martyrs.

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From Mousaler to anjar, Traditions, Occupations, Lifestyle, Heroic Battle, Dialect.  It is impossible to talk about Anjar and its population without mentioning Mousa Dagh and Mousadaghians...




Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical Communities The Mousadaghians were mostly Orthodox who had many pastors in their community...



ARF, Hamazkayin, Armenian Red Cross, Homentmen, Anjar Black Belt Amity Associations acting in Anjar...



Political, Religious, Martyrs, Writers, Artsits, Donors, Scientists, Musicians List of Figures of Anjar.


Tourist Guide

Tourist Guide

Map, Beautiful Scenes, Restaurants...

