Early Cultural Life

Cultural Life in Anjar

The literary atmosphere was dominant in Anjar which produced talented writers like Yetvart Boyajian, Boghos Senabian, Sarkis and Sona Zeitlian, Zoulal Kazanjian, Tovmas Habeshian, Mardiros Koushakjian, Boghos Madourian, Antranig Ourfalian, Hovhannes Boursalian, Hagop Habeshian, Yesayi Markarian, Papken Zanoyian, Archbisop Vartan Ashkarian, Hagop Pambagian and Apraham Kadian.

The younger generation writers were Bedig Hergelian, Apraham Boghigian, Vazken Ghougasian, Vahram Shemmesian, Mher Karakashian, Hraztan Zeitlian, Sonia Tashjian, Ara Kazanjian etc…

Jean Kazanjian, Kegham Tazian, Varoujan Mardirian, Father Haroutyun bezdigian, Ashod Tazian, Vahe Hannissian, Setrag and Alexan Kusbekian, Sebouh Aprahamian, Maral and Jiro Panossian, Garo and Raffi Andonian, Boghos Taslakian,  Hovsep Ashkarian, and Krikor Sakayian have been known for their artistic talents in painting, sculpting etc...

In 1973, the Hamazkayine "B. Sevag” Chapter was established which has become the heart and soul of culture and art in the village.

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From Mousaler to anjar, Traditions, Occupations, Lifestyle, Heroic Battle, Dialect.  It is impossible to talk about Anjar and its population without mentioning Mousa Dagh and Mousadaghians...




Orthodox, Catholic, Evangelical Communities The Mousadaghians were mostly Orthodox who had many pastors in their community...



ARF, Hamazkayin, Armenian Red Cross, Homentmen, Anjar Black Belt Amity Associations acting in Anjar...



Political, Religious, Martyrs, Writers, Artsits, Donors, Scientists, Musicians List of Figures of Anjar.


Tourist Guide

Tourist Guide

Map, Beautiful Scenes, Restaurants...

