From Mousaler to Anjar

From Bassit to Rayak and Anjar

From Bassit in Syria to Tripoli in Lebanon, then to Rayak, and finally to Anjar.

The time that the Mousadaghians spent in Bassit, Syria, was also a time for the French Mandate on Syria and Lebanon, to arrange a final location for the displaced Sanjak immigrants and specially for those from the heroic Mousa Dagh. Movses Der Kalousdian, the famous hero of the Forty Days of Mousa Dagh and later a member of the Syrian parliament (1927-1937) played a vital role in securing and transferring his people from the infectious Bassit seashore to a semi-desert, dusty plain on the eastern mountain range of Lebanon, at the eastern border with Syria. The displaced Mousadaghians were put on ships in Bassit and were carried to Tripoli, the northern part of Lebanon. Then, they were put on cargo trains to the central rail station of Rayak, in Bekaa. Finally, they were trucked to the barren plains of Anjar. The exodus was completed on September 14, 1939.

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