
For generations, the major occupation of the Mousadaghians had been agriculture, they cultivated wheat, barley, corn, Egyptian wheat etc…
Mousadaghians were also expert gardeners. They were able to cultivate rocky areas for planting trees like, raspberry, fig, olive, etc… while orange, peach, citron and plum trees were planted in the villages rich with running water such as "Kheder Beg” and "Vakef”.

Most of the products were exported to the neighboring countries like Mersin, Beirut, Antioch, and Aleppo.
Well known historians have mentioned Mousa Dagh in their writings, talking about its abundant springs and moderate climate which boosted the prosperity and the flourishing of the area.

Mousadaghians planted olive trees in vast areas which were used to make olive oil. Initially, they used to extract the oil manually with large millstones, later they used the mechanical oil-press. The first layer of the oil after extraction was used as medication and the rest for cooking food.

Mousa Dagh was rich with laurel trees, which had a fruit very similar to olives, and like olives Mousadaghians extracted its oil to use as medicine, perfume and for cooking
Figs, grapes, apricots, plums, nuts, pomegranate, melons and watermelons were copious in Mousa Dagh, while the unconsumed fruits were used to make vinegar, juice and brandy.
Farming was common in Mousa Dagh. Families kept cows, sheep and goats for milk and meat, while oxen were used to plough the land and horses for transportation.